Join our events Online & Offline
With a combination of face to face events when circumstances allow and online events so that geography isn't an issue, we also have pop up mini masterclasses which are run online so can be accessed wherever you are.
What to expect at a Link4Business event?
Link4Business does not dictate the format for Link4Business events and offers flexibility to those hosting events, to adapt to suit the needs of the local business community.
Face to face events typically provide around 50% open networking to enable attendees to speak to whoever they wish for as long as they wish.
Online events will have features such as the breakout rooms and the chat feature so that attendees may share information and direct message others.
Everyone will have an opportunity to introduce themselves to the rest of the group
Typically there’s one or two 10-15 minute speaker slots or discussions where everyone is encouraged to participate.
Link4Business events are fully inclusive and there are no industry lock outs, we encourage collaboration!
The Golden Ticket - One freebie event per year - single use ticket!
After using that one time '1stvisit' promo code, there were only ever two options remaining. To join Link4Business then enjoy attending as many events as you wish for free, or pay per event.
Anyone may now book into any one event per year, using a single use 'golden ticket'.
Simply enter 'L4Bgold' followed by the year. So in 2021, you would use 'L4Bgold2021' and so on.
You may like to browse the Featured events page, however the golden ticket promo code can be used for any Link4Business event.